
Hikkaduwa Coral Reef

Renowned for its picturesque coastline and vibrant corals, Hikkaduwa is home to some of the best coral reefs not only in Sri Lanka but in the whole of Asia! The vast tracts of limestone that run parallel to the coast are perfect for a stunning variety of coral to blossom in. What’s more, the surrounding sea is quite shallow making for a fantastic location to snorkel in!

The area encompassing the Hikkaduwa Coral Reef was named as a national park in 2002, making it one of only three marine national parks found in Sri Lanka. This was done in an attempt to protect the fringing reef which was degrading over time due to overexposure. The park extends for over 4km and acts a natural barrier to coastal erosion.

The reef is full with a diverse array of fauna, the most notable being the corals themselves. Many large colonies of varying coral varieties can be found in Hikkaduwa. These include star, brain, cabbage and elkhorn corals, to name a few. All of these in combination provide the perfect refuge for a variety of reef-dwelling species and form the basis for a diverse and thriving ecosystem. Many varieties of reef fish can be found here, including the vibrant parrotfish, the curious pufferfish and prowling moray eels. Hikkaduwa also has a healthy population of black-tip reef sharks, usually found where the reef slopes into the open ocean. Several varieties of sea turtle are also known the frequent the location, such as the green sea turtle and hawksbill turtle. These marine reptiles are all classified as endangered and reefs such as this provide them with vital habitats to feed and seek shelter in.

For those visiting Hikkaduwa, snorkelling is undoubtedly the top activity to engage in. The waters tend to be clear and calm for most of the year and the chance to get up-close and personal with the many unique denizens of the reef should not be passed upon. If you’re looking to dive little deeper however and reach the edges of the reef, you might want to consider a scuba diving session. This is a fantastic way to ensure that you spot some of the rarer reef residents, like those turtles for one.

From Colombo
117 km
Time Duration
2 h 5 min
Entrance Ticket

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