Located amidst misty mountains and surreal stretches of peak wilderness, The Sera Ella falls is located at the very heart of Matale District in proximity to a place called Laggala. The waterfalls cascade down a wide rocky cliff at it gracefully lands on a pool of water with a quiet uproar. The falls originate at the confluence of two rivers which subsequently form the Puwakpitiya River.
Although it only measures 10 meters in height, it dwarfs many taller cascades with its immaculate presence and its untainted beauty. Owing to its eccentric features the falls today has become a popular attraction amongst tourists. It is also, highly acclaimed for the hiking opportunities it offers.
Cascade looks at its best during the rainy season and it dazzles with bubbly waters falling seamlessly from the edges. The best time to visit the falls is from November to March during which the cascade is at its fullest capacity.
Though it is best to visit here during the rainy season, as travellers you should practice caution during the hike and when you explore the environs. There could be leeches on the forest floor and the rocks at the falls can be quite slippery. Wear appropriate clothing during your hike and shoes with a grippy tread are a must. Apart from the perilous journey, the ambience at the waterfalls is extremely surreal, and visiting here will indeed be a tranquil and solemnly relaxing experience!